Advanced Construction

Our vision

Westover Homes is Making Life Better for our customers, trade partners, employees, investors, and the community.  That’s the reason we’re in the building business, to help people improve their lives.  Making Life Better means offering you, our customer, exceptional value and superior quality while ensuring a streamlined buying experience. 


As a homebuyer, you will appreciate the higher quality Westover is able to deliver to you by precisely constructing most components with our state-certified and third-party inspected process. 


Westover Homes is an innovative, industry leader bringing you the future of homebuilding through a precise marriage of on-site and off-site construction. With Westover’s forward-thinking process, nearly 2/3rds of your new home will be built in an efficiently operated, climate-controlled facility where every component undergoes a rigorous quality assurance inspection. 


While much of your home is being precisely assembled in the company’s off-site facility, on-site preparations begin with an engineered foundation constructed to precise specifications. Once complete, components that have been fabricated off-site will be delivered to your lot, elevated onto the foundation and properly secured. Additional on-site improvements will then be constructed to complete your new house, a home built to stand the test of time.

Available Floor Plans


Although there are other good homebuilders, often their quality varies significantly depending on which subcontractor crew shows up to work on the house. Westover’s team provides you with more consistent quality because the same staff builds every home. 

While many builders take 6, 8, or even 12 months to build a new house, Westover’s innovative approach of constructing improvements on your homesite while simultaneously building much of your new home in our off-site facility will reduce your wait significantly. Subject to weather and other conditions beyond our control, you will typically find that Westover can build your new home in less than 60 days once the permit is pulled and work is commenced.


Higher Quality & Faster Construction Schedule With no increase in budget

When you work with us you benefit from the efficiency we so strongly believe in at Westover Homes. Since most of the construction materials are protected within our climate-controlled facility, our advanced process reduces waste by 30% or more and nearly eliminates theft of on-site building supplies. You see the benefit of these savings with better prices.

As noted earlier, our vision at Westover Homes is Making Life Better, starting with you.

Work With Us

Westover Homes provide well-built houses ordinary families can afford to purchase and enjoy. That’s how our team did it and how we always will. Contact us today to start your real estate journey.

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